A brand new program to start a brand new year^^ Joined the PyeongChang WINNERS Olympic Winter Games Reporters Program and it was indeed an eye opener and is blessed to meet many awesome people through this program. A little bit more about this six-month program,it is targeted at college student to act as both a journalist and ambassador of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games. Basically, our role is to promote the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games through SNS channels and spreading it to the rest of the world. Familiarization tours will always be provided,allowing us to meet experts, understand and experience what PyeongChang 2018 really is about!
On January 7th 2016, I went to the 3rd group of PyeongChang WINNERS Opening Ceremony, which is the disbanding ceremony of the 2nd group ofPyeongChang WINNERS Reporters. That is when I was surprised to see the former member, Johnathan.
My name tag and pullover
Later on, we had lunch at the staff canteen of Korean Air.
After Lunch, it is the start of our 2Day 1 Night tour to PyeongChang! YAY!
Our first stop was at Alpensia Convention Center, which can accommodate 2,500 people, where we were given a briefing about the games, locations of the games and the accomodation for the athlete. Click here for more information about Alpensia ConventionCenter
Look at the spectacular view of the Ski Resort!
While heading to the next destination, there are many Beautiful Ice Sculpture,which makes me really want to alight the bus.
Look at the spectacular view of the Ski Resort!
While heading to the next destination, there are many Beautiful Ice Sculpture,which makes me really want to alight the bus.
Another interesting briefing about Ski Jump, which actually the first time I came across this sports. The instructors was very knowledge, explaining what the procedures that the athlete will have to go through before ski jump and even demostrated how to ski jump. For instance, the kind of posture you need to be, the equipment for ski jump and more.
You have to walk a distance, before..
You enter here! The Starting Point!
View from the Bottom
Alpensia Observation Deck
Photo Zone
Later that day, we had team bonding! I seriously love my group so much! Our Group name is called응답하라2018, which means Respond 2018. The name originated from the famous Korean Drama, Respond 1988.
Our Group Poster! Hand Drawn
Day 2
This is my group with the Famous Korean Athlete
The 4D Ski Jumping Experience
Many Information Boards about PyeongChang 2018
Accessibility is not a worry! Look how convenient it is to travel to PyeongChang and to other venues.
Our trip ended with one of the popular winter games-Ice Skating! Yay!
본 기사는 제3기 대학생 기자단 평창WINNERS 활동 일환으로 작성되었으며, 조직위원회 공식 입장과는 무관합니다."
영문:"This article was written by an official university student reporter of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games, PyeongChang WINNERS. Some contents might be different from official position of the Organizing Committee."

Another interesting briefing about Ski Jump, which actually the first time I came across this sports. The instructors was very knowledge, explaining what the procedures that the athlete will have to go through before ski jump and even demostrated how to ski jump. For instance, the kind of posture you need to be, the equipment for ski jump and more.

You have to walk a distance, before..

You enter here! The Starting Point!

View from the Bottom

Alpensia Observation Deck

Photo Zone
Later that day, we had team bonding! I seriously love my group so much! Our Group name is called응답하라2018, which means Respond 2018. The name originated from the famous Korean Drama, Respond 1988.

Our Group Poster! Hand Drawn
Day 2

This is my group with the Famous Korean Athlete


The 4D Ski Jumping Experience
Many Information Boards about PyeongChang 2018

Accessibility is not a worry! Look how convenient it is to travel to PyeongChang and to other venues.

Our trip ended with one of the popular winter games-Ice Skating! Yay!
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