Tuesday, May 31, 2016

[Personal Analysis] If South Korea doesn't deploy THAAD, what are the alternatives?

Based on my understanding, one of the main reasons for the deployment of THAAD is due to the increasingly nuclear threat that causes the national security of South Korea. Other than THAAD, are there any alternatives that could be done? 

Following are some of the alternatives of THAAD will I personally feel will be feasible.

   1) Call for a stronger measure from China and Russia along with the existing sanctions
The UN Security Council resolution (2270) regarding sanctions on North Korea is in effect, encompassing transaction of shipping service, armed goods including WMD and financial support. However, there is a constant capital interaction at a market between North Korea and China where several items are still being imported, not to mention the smuggling trade. Therefore, sugguestion can be made to  China in taking a substantive measure that blocks the capital inflow to North Korea, which will end up supporting the development of its arsenal. Moreover, Russia’s “Najin-Hasan Project” may be asked to be stopped for the same reason.

   2) Resume of the Six-Party Talk
Ideally, all relevant parties seek to resolve North Korea’s nuclear issue in a peaceful manner. China and Russia in particular, strongly suggest to resume the Six-Party talk to persuade Pyongyang, asserting the absence of other options. For the past six meetings, the Six-Party Talk did make a progress in solidifying and integrating the will of participating countries to denuclearize Pyongyang. However, the practicality issue remains in question. Hence considering today’s situation,  six-party talk can be resume even without North Korea to facilitate the enforcement mechanism.

   3) Strengthening KAMD (Korea Air and Missile Defense)
The Republic of Korea Force already possesses its own missile defense system which is only confined to provide protection at terminal stage of missile attack. Instead of deploying the THAAD that guarantees higher probability of defense, South Korea may take a leverage role for receiving financial and technical support from China and Russia to enhance the existing system of KAMD. The support not only includes increasing the number of intercepting missiles but also upgrading the altitude capability of the system.

[Personal Analysis] If THAAD is deployed.....

China explicitly expressed regret over the issue of the THAAD deployment, with an argument that its security interest is infringed upon by possible surveillance activity that the THAAD would conduct. Considering South Korea’s relations with China and the degree of which both countries engage in economic interaction, it is difficult to overlook China’s concern. As the THAAD agreement comes closer to the final authorization, Seoul must establish a set of conditions to alleviate potential actions that would adversely affect South Korea – China relationship.

Therefore, here  are some of my personal suggestion on what South Korea should do, if they were to deploy THAAD.

   1) Location of the THAAD installation in the rear area of the Peninsula
To compromise with China’s strong opposition to implementing the THAAD system, it is understood that China’s main concern is the  THAAD’s range of detection. The system comes along with detecting equipment, X-Band Radar(AN/TPY-2), that covers the range from 600km to 1,800km. Hence, what I would suggest is to locate the equipment in the southerner area of the Peninsula. There are four locations for candidates: Pyong-taek, Won-ju, Dae-gu, and Busan. Therefore, if THAAD were to be  deployed in Daegu or Busan to express that it is exclusively detecting the North strategic activities, China might be understanding about South Korea's rationale in employing THAAD.

   2) Flexibility on the operation-authority of the THAAD
Eventhough the government employs the system, the control authority would be at the US force’s maneuver. In order to assure that the system is solely aiming at North Korea, the ROK-US alliance may divide up the responsibility over operating the THAAD. During the normal condition, the force may jointly conduct the operation of the system whereas ROK force takes the full responsibility at a provocation-time phase.

   3) Restricting the capability of the THAAD
If above two conditions are not met due to political issues, the government may ask for rearranging the THAAD’s capability, redesigning the range of which it could intercept the incoming missiles as well as detection range. However, the suggestion is highly linked with technical issue where consultation with the maker company, Lokheed Martin, is required as well as with the United States Forces. 

The Current South Korea Missile Defense

As for South Korea Missile Defense, South Korea currently has a mix of Patriot systems with older PAC-2 batteries to be upgraded of replaced to the PAC-3 by the end of the year. 

Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=PAC-3+specification&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&biw=1366&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRgcGG7YTNAhVlL6YKHVBgBQkQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=9Cu5bZJHcHaudM%3A

 PAC-3 actually means Patriot Advanced Capabilitity and this PAC-3 system is intended to provide protection for key installations such as airfields, ports, critical infrastructure, military command centers or leadership locations. 

Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=PAC-3+specification&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&biw=1366&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRgcGG7YTNAhVlL6YKHVBgBQkQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=zbzgujlWWLpN6M%3A

This PAC-3 intercepts short-and medium range missiles by colliding with the missile or warhead at low-altitudes; less than 25km and at short distances; 35-49km.  

On the other hand, in an event when THAAD  is employed, THAAD will provides upper-tier layer of defense system when it operates in conjunction with the lower-tier Patriot (PAC-3)

Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=PAC-3+specification&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&biw=1366&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRgcGG7YTNAhVlL6YKHVBgBQkQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=PAC-3+thaad&imgrc=dzU05kQHN0QxkM%3A

The Current North Korea's Missle Capability

Pyongyang possesses a substantial arsenal of short-and medium-range mobile ballistic missiles deployed throughout the country with 500 Hwasong-5 (Scud-B), Hwasong-6(Scud-C) missiles with a range of 300-400 km, and 200 Rodong systems with a range of 1,000km.

 Each of these missiles can carry nuclear warheads as well as chemical and biological warheads. Though their primary role is not to carry the nuclear warheads but to disrupt or slowdown the operations of airbases and military facilities, they are critical to South Korea’s security.

A little more information about Hwasong-5 
Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=Hwasong-5+(Scud-B)&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMr9rG6YTNAhWEg6YKHTPdCtMQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643#imgrc=dE8DpWE5gZyWTM%3A

Hwasong 5 is North Korea's first tactical ballistic missile that was in service in 1985, with its first missle prototypes completed in 1984.  Development of the definitive version of Hwasong-5 was at a slow rate with minor improvement over the original Soviet R-17 Elbrus missle.  Range of the Hwasong-5 was increase from 280 to 320km, with a 1000kg warhead attached to it and a slight modification of the Isayev engine.

Hwasong 6

Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=Hwasong-5+(Scud-B)&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMr9rG6YTNAhWEg6YKHTPdCtMQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643#tbm=isch&q=Hwasong+6&imgrc=LkLJi6LIAP9E_M%3A

What is THAAD?

Recently, the issue about whether South Korea will employ THAAD had been a hot topic over the internet. So what THAAD really is?

Following are the summary about what THAAD is about.

THAAD, abbreviation for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, refers to a missile defense system that aims to intercept the incoming missile at the terminal phase. 
Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=thaad&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8w-_V6ITNAhWKlJQKHSWJCPsQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643#imgrc=NXy4G66jgmSgoM%3A

THAAD system is known to cover the range of 150km height and 200km in distance, with each missile having 6.17m of length and 34cm of diameter. The system fires two missiles at a time with each showing 70% of success rate, thus together adding up to success rate around 90%.

 The most significant feature however, lies in the AN/TYP-2 radar that is included in THAAD artillery. As a type of X-band radar, AN/TYP-2 radar possesses the capacity to detect objects as small as a baseball within the range of 1800km. 
Source: http://www.raytheon.com/capabilities/products/antpy2/

This implies that placing a THAAD artillery in Pyongtaek region crystalizes not only North Korean missiles and nuclear weapons, but also those of China that are placed near the coastline.

 Each THAAD artillery consists of six missile launchers each equipped with eight missiles, adding up to 48 missiles per artillery. Currently, the US possesses four THAAD artilleries around the world. 

[Personal Analysis] China's attitude towards reunification

Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=china+north+korea&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiL1OSG5oTNAhWEI5QKHVBWBzIQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=599#imgrc=8_JjSzbUwm9lAM%3A

As for the stand of China, their support for reunification is uncertain.

There are interpretations that China will support the unification of Korea as they may refer to have a free, united, democratic, economically dynamic and military capable Korea.  However with the US troops stationed at the Korea, the china’s position is evolving.

The relationship between China and North Korea had changed over times. Relationship between the two countries used to be extremely close, but in recent years, China’s media had been frequently carries out commentary critical of the North Korea and the Chinese are increasingly being allowed to talk about the negative aspect of North Korea. From the North Korea’s side, there is unwillingness in accepting the advice of China to adopt a Chinese-style economic and structural reform. This also caused China to be quit unpleased as their North Korea policy had been about the possibility to gradually transform the North Korea economy nature.

Some incidents that unnerved china will be the attack conducted by North Korea towards South Korea’s YeonPyeong Island in November 2010 and the execution of Jang Song Thaek, one of the few senior North Korean official who have close tie with China.

Moreover, there were interpretations that the Chinese officials were sick and tired of North Korea. Sources had state that majority of the Chinese viewed reunification as something that will happen and that it will better that it is under the control of Seoul.

Still, despites these unpleasant incidents and the transformation of relationship between China and North Korea, China’s bottom line on the Korean Peninsula is to focus on maintain an stability and to avoid conflict near its northeast border at all cost

Reason that china may oppose in the reunification will probably be the increase risk of violence, refugee flows or the escalation of tension near its border with North Korea. Moreover, it is almost certain that China will reject any approach by the United Stated and South Korea should they not take China’s security concerns into account. China is also suspicious about creating a united, democratic, economically dynamic and military capable Korea on its border, especially if Korea will remain as an ally of the United Stated after reunification, with the significant presence of Us Military in Korea. 

Hence regarding this, one of the major tasks is to convince China that the reunification of Korea will be in China’s interest. Such as shaping China’s’ understanding of how  a post-unification Korea Peninsula will be like and convince China that the absorption of North Korea regime into the Republic of Korea will be more of China’s interest than the current situation in Korea Peninsula.

[Personal Analysis] US attitude towards reunification

Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=us+north+korea&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi9gPjg5YTNAhUCX5QKHfGyAS0Q_AUICCgC&biw=1366&bih=643#imgrc=JphYglIXVDJ5PM%3A

The United States officially express their firm support in the reunification of Korea and with this, it can be seen as US strong interest towards a united Korea that is free, democratic and led by the Republic of Korea.

In an event of reunification, US policy interest will be to ensure a peaceful and stable region, prevention of the emergence of new security threats and supporting Korea as it create a unified, democratic,market-oriented society and economy that benefits all the korean people.

Moreover, the united state will contribute in Korea’s reconstruction, rehabilitation and reconciliation
process. Together with their priority in dismantling the North Korean military machine and eliminating the nuclear weapons. The United State will also undertake the role as a security guarantor, even with  the decrease in military presence and a new rationale for its alliance with Korea.

[Personal Viewpoint and Analysis of South Korea's reunification policy by President Roh and President Lee

From my personal analysis of President Roh’s policy, I believe that his policy could  increase the civil and cultural exchanges between two Koreas and is able to  maintain good government to government level relationship. This is because, effort had been made to  support the North Korean people, which in turn increases economic, social , cultural  and human right in North Korea.

 But there are also criticisms against President Roh's policy as he argues that this policy is  carrot only unilateral concession with too much government spending.  Moreover, as it emphasizes balanced approach, U.S and South Korea alliance is weaken.

 Most importantly, with nuclear test in 2006, this policy overlooks threat of North Korea.

 On the other hand, President Lee’s policy  had  reduced the  government spending on unification matters and  spending was used for the construct of South Korea's infrastructure.

President  Lee improved alliance with U.S. as he had prioritized relationship with U.S.. However, due to this strict policy, exchanges between two Koreas decreased and mistrust between two governments grew. So, provocation from North Korea and tension between two Korean military had increased.

In conclusion, after my personal analysis and deduction between the strength and weakness each government, we realize that with conditional engagement South Korea can have many bargaining chips to deal with North Korea and with comprehensive engagement South Korea can have civilian level benefits. This include improvement of North Korean citizen’s lives and exchanges between two Korean people. Therefore, I personally feel that adopting the two policies through  enhance each strengths will be a great idea and one of the ways to promote reunification.

[President Park Geun Hye's Policy] The Korean Peninsula TrustBuilding Process

Source: https://www.google.co.kr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.nateimg.co.kr%2ForgImg%2Fkh%2F2015%2F02%2F23%2Fenkh_lBDhC1.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpann.news.nate.com%2Finfo%2F256588064&docid=3AN1vEy1ZHqAcM&tbnid=wZ7lrCNFptmgrM%3A&w=540&h=381&itg=1&bih=599&biw=1366&ved=0ahUKEwif9uGkyYTNAhVirKYKHYJ2DKAQMwgeKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8

As all of you know, President Park Geun Hye  is the eleventh and current president, who is also the first woman elected as the  president of South Korea.  After she took office in 2013 from President Lee Myung Bak, she had introduced a policy known as The Korean Peninsula Trust-Building Process and this is what the President Park's administrative is currently reinforcing.

So what does it means by the Trust Building or the Korean Peninsula Trust Building Process?

Source: https://goo.gl/Glvmjk
To make it easier to understand, this actually means that South Korea aims to develop inter-korean relation, establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula and building a foundation for unification. A foundation for unification can be build through formation of inter-korean confidence based on sound security. 

This policy tries to take strong action against North Korea’s provocation, solve Korean Peninsula’s security crisis such as nuclear issue fundamentally and accept past policies’ merits.

[President Lee Myung Bak's Reunification Policy] Mutual Benefits and Common Prosperity Policy

Source:  https://goo.gl/Glvmjk

The 10th President of South Korea, who took office from 2008 to 2013, President Lee Myung Bak had introduced the Mutual Benefits and Common Prosperity Policy when he took over the office.

In this policy, President Lee Myung Bak had argued about '비핵 개방 3000’,  which literally translate as Vision 3000 through Denuclearization and Openess.

This actually means that in an event if North Korea were to denuclearize and open up their country, South Korea will support them and increase their GDP per capita income to an amount of $3000. For your information, an estimate of North's Korea  GDP per capita income in 2011 is $1,800.

Hence, this policy is considered as a conditional step-by-step assistance to North Korea, making it a policy that is said to have taken a much tougher stance as compared to the previoud president, President Roh Moo Hyun's Peace and Prosperity policy.

[President Roh Moo Hyun's Reunification Policy] Peace and Prosperity Policy

Source: https://goo.gl/9Hf8bX

The 9th President of South Korea Roh Moo Hyun, who took over the office from 2003 to 2008, had  introduced ‘Peace and Prosperity policy’ . This policy was actually the thing that succeeded to ‘Sunshine Policy’ of president Kim Dae Jung.

In the policy,  President Roh argued that  peace from the security aspect and prosperity from the economic aspect are actually interrelated and interconnected. This means that tey actually complement and strengthen each other.

Therefore, in this context, President Roh Moo Hyun had promoted the Mount Geumgang tour, the operation of the Gaesong Industiral Complex operation and Arms reduction. 
Mount Gemgang Tour in North Korea

Kaesong Industrial Complex
Source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=Kaesong+Industrial+Complex&rlz=1C1HLDY_enSG693SG693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiF_YKOxYTNAhWDG5QKHZVeBM8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1013&bih=551#imgrc=ELmRGdBVhIrUfM%3A


Another important important point from President Roh’s  Peace and Prosperity policy is that solution of problem can be done through conversation. Hence, this had showed President Roh willingness to conduct conversation with North Korea, even though inter-korean relation had  deteriorated at that point of time.

The 1st International Student Reporters for the Ministry of Unification

Just this month, I was honored to be selected as one of the International Student Reporters for the Ministry of Unification. It was their first time selecting international students to act as a reporter for them, though it was already the 9th  cohort for the Korean Student Reporters.

Do allow me to introduce this program! Like the title" International Student Reporters", it is targeting international students who love Korea and work like to contribute to the Korean Society through writing articles, making videos for a period of 6-12 months.

Some of the international students might be worried about their proficient in Korean. But, fret not, proficient in Korean is not required as the pre-requisite as they are English interpretation throughout the program itself. Hence, based on my experience, having the passion and interest in promoting the unification of Korea or the desire in contributing to the Korea's society will be important. Also, like I say, being a reporter, having skills in writing articles such as through blog and/or  making videos will be advantageous. Moreover, international students staying in Seoul or Gyeonggi-do Province is preferred.

So basically, our roles as the International Student Reporters is to play a part in promoting a peaceful reunification through various means such as producing articles, videos, conducting interviews, participating in unification-related activities/events and etc.

So, what about the benefits?

Through this exciting and enriching program, you will be invited to all the events conducted by the Ministry of Unification. One of the main highlights will definitely be the DMZ Tour. Adding on, there will be meeting and conference that you could attend to know more about the unification of Korea. So, don't worry if you don't possess the enough knowledge of reunification of Korea.

Moreover,  compensation for the articles or/and video will be given. Together with awards such as Best Reporter award, Best posting and more.

It is also a good chance for you to meet and interact with people from Korea and all around the world. You will also be assigned to group and conduct group activity together. After the commencement ceremony, we actually had a 2-day 1-night tour and it had been a great experience in both learning more about the Ministry of Unification and also bonding with other reporters over there. Also, business cards is given to all reporters and at the end of the program, you will receive an official certificate from the Ministry of Unification.

Reunification of Korea needs a collaborative effort from both Koreans and people from all around the world, regardless of your nationality and background. As every single effort counts, let's work together to supports and promote the peaceful reunification of Korea.

Now On My Way to Meet You(이제만나러갑니다)

We had heard various stories about the North Korean refugees who had escaped the North

Korean, in order to pursue a better life in the South. But, how is it really like? Many of the people,

including people from the south, are curious about the life in one of the most secretive state in the

world, North Korea and the life of the refugees.

Source: https://goo.gl/wlYIcX

In 2001, South Korea Television “Now On My Way to Meet You”, the first talk show featuring North

Korea refugee, who had escaped to the south, had allowed people to listen to the account of the

According to the producer of the show, the aim of the show is to draw attention towards the life in

the North as how it is actually like is unknown to many. Moreover, it also aims to allow North and

South Koreans to stay connected. Though the Korean War had ended 60 years ago, most of the

South Koreans have little knowledge about life in the North. Hence, one of the North Korean

defectors hopes that through this program, it will reduce the prejudice and misunderstanding

These North Korean defectors are very brave to step forward and tell the audience about North

Korean. As defectors from the north often lie low in South Korean as they struggle to adapt to a

brand new society, which is extremely different from the North. Also, most are afraid that their

refugee’s escape and have a glimpse of how life in North Korea is like.

towards the North Korean. Also, family who is still in the North will be punished.

I personally had watched this show and had a deeper understanding of the differences between the

North and the South in terms of language, culture and more. Moreover, listening to the firsthand

account of defectors had increased the reliability and credibility of how life is actually like in the

North and the experiences of the defectors. It is definitely an eye opener and to be able to

understand why did they choose to come out and share their experience. Not because of money or

frame, but because of their wish towards unification and a harmonious relationship between North

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Based on the name SAMTAN ART MINE, you might be wondering what exactly this place is about? Art + Mine? Or a museum of art of mine?  

Allow me to clarify you doubt! This place is basically one of the most unique art complexes you could ever find in South Korea. This is because it is actually an abandoned mine site and not only that, it is the largest privately owned mine site in South Korea, that was transformed into a unique cultural art complex.

Coincidentally the SAMTAN ART MINE is located in Gangwon-do Province, the province where the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games! So, if you are in South Korea during the Winter Olympic Season in 2018, you should definitely not give a miss to the Spectacular Olympic Games and the Samtan Art Mine. This art complex comprised of Mine Gallery, Experience hall, Several Exhibition hall showcasing world collection and also many of them are art pieces from the director of SAMTAN ART MINE.

Also, this is also the filming location for many variety programs, dramas and movies. One of which will be the recently popular drama, "Descendant of Sun"! Some others are " Running Man' and " The Spy: Undercover Operation 2013."

Upon reaching there, I had my lunch at the SAMTAN ART MINE! The setting of the restaurant was gorgeous, giving a high end and artistic feel! I had the Korean traditional lunch box which comprises of rice, anchovy, bacon and kimchi! There is actually one step you have to follow before eating it! That is to shake the lunch box with both your hand, so as to mix it before eating it! So do remember to shake it before you eat it! So as to experience the authentic way!

Basically, this restaurant is also like a mini museum, showcasing several art pierces and the overall design is extremely welcoming!

Later on, we went to the 5 storeys high exhibition hall and visited various display and art exhibits. The art exhibits cover from African theme exhibits to Asian theme exhibitions and also included some exhibits created by the director of this museum!

This was the filming site for the Descendant of Sun, being a fan of this drama, I was super duper excited to be here and even had a chance to wear the uniforms that the actors had worn before. 

Later on, we walked over to the abandoned mine site! On our way there, there is huge gigantic art piece blended into the natural setting of the environment.

I was extremely excited as I had never visited a mine site before!We are honored to have the director of the SAMTAN ART MINE to take some time off to speaks with us! He is a very friendly man, who are very keen on sharing his knowledge with us! 

Frankly speaking, even though it is safe . it was a bit frightening to me as we have to walk on stairs that are made of steel. So as you walk, you could feel the vibration and see the ground! 

Beware if you are tall

These are some of the special highlights of the amazing museum, bet you will definitely have a pleasant experience after visiting here!

Address: 1445-44, Hambaeksan-ro, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do
Entrance Fees: 13,000 won
Direction: From Cheongryangri Station, take the mungunghwa train 1641 to Gohan station. After which take a MIN HANG Bus and alight 3 bus stops later (Motgol Station)> You are now 10 minutes walk from the SAMTAN ART MINE:)

This article was written by an official university student reporter of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games, PyeongChang WINNERS. Some contents might be different from official position of the Organizing Committee."

"기사는 제3기 대학생 기자단 평창WINNERS 활동 일환으로 작성되었으며, 조직위원회 공식 입장과는 무관합니다."

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

If you are using tumblr.........

Do check out wheretogoandeat.tumblr.com ^^

PS. This doesn't mean that we had moved but simply means that both blogspot and tumblr will be used as a platform to share contents with you all. ^^

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

SAN Museum in Gangwondo Province

Today, I am going to introduce one of the most interesting museum in South Korea, which Wonju city,Gangwondo Province. Coincidentally it is located in the same province as the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games! Definitely, a great museum to visit after enjoying the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games!

So what does SAN Museum actually means? In Korean, "SAN" literally means mountain. So why is it call San Museum?  Is it a museum about mountain or is this a museum that is located on the mountain! If you choose the latter one, then BINGO! You got it right! Thanks to it's excellent location, this amazing museum is  blessed with an abundance of natural. Thus, making  it is the perfect place for healing,allowing people to relax, breathing in  an abundance of fresh air and indulging in the natural beauty! Something that  is  lacking in the city and hence, making it a great museum great for many city dwellers to rejuvenate themselves away from the bustling and stressful life. 

Another fabulous fact is that there are three gardens in  SAN Museum, namely the Flower Garden, Water Garden and lastly the Ando Tadao's Stone Garden. Hence, the theme revolved around three main elements, Flower, water, and stone.
A little introduction about the flower garden, visitors will be able to see the full blossom and now is the best season to enjoy the fauna and flora.
As for the water garden, it is designed in a way where the water will show the reflection of the environment,providing a soothing effect, serenity and calm to visitors.

Lastly, the Ando Tadao's Stone Garden is linked to the history of Korea.
I believe many of you had heard of the Silla Dynasty right? If you had not, allow me to give you about the brief introduction about the Silla Dynasty in Korea.Together with Paekche, Koguryo, Shilla is  one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea. Moreover, it is also one of the world's longest sustained dynasty.

Hence, in this stone garden there are actually nine stone mounds and what so special about those stone mounds is that it is inspired by ancient Silla tombs. 
Have you the heart of the famous artist James Turrell? If you are a fan of his artwork, you definitely will not want to miss out his main artworks namely the Sky Space, Horizon Room, Ganfeld and Wedgework. All of them are located in the San Museum's stone garden.

So not only you are able to enjoy the natural setting of the SAN Museum, you are able to learn about Korea history  and appreciate the amazing artworks of James Turrell too! 

Another great reason why you should visit the SAN Museum is because of the fact that it is a unique and interesting museum. This is because it is one of the few museums that is able to engage your 5 senses.  

Above all, the actual purpose of setting up this museum is actual to rediscover the meaning and value of something that everyone in the world is using? Can you guess what it is? One hint: It is light and flat! Something you use every day that is produced by mother nature!
Can you guess it??
(you always draw things on it)
The answer is Paper!

The paper is something really important to us! Imagine if paper no longer exists, how will life be like? No tissue paper, no more books,no more libraries and more. The detrimental effect will be so huge that no one could really imagine how it will be like. This is something that we shouldn't take granted for! Hence, with the four exhibition hall, it allow visitors to understand the history of paper, how paper is produced through various method, showcasing of the ancient book and art installation that uses paper and text.

In additional, this museum also allow visitors to learn and appreciate the development of Korean Modern and contemporary art through the collections of artwork through four of their exhibition hall  that are showcased in the Cheongjo Gallery. 

After the visit, I learn how to appreciate art  and also appreciating the things that we use it so often, that we forgot the importance and the significant of it. Moreover, this museum allows me to understand and learn more about the korean culture and also allow me to immerse into the beauty of art and nature. Will definitely look foward in coming back here, so as to learn, relax and rejuvenate! A museum that allow people to soothen themselves and enjoy the wonders of art and nature.

Address: 260 Okeubaelli 2-gil, Jijeong-myeon, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do

Admission Fees
Adults 28,000 won / Children 18,000 won[Museum]
* Age limit: Above 8 year old

Adults 15,000 won / Children 10,000 won[Gallery]

 Free admission for pre-school children.
This article was written by an official university student reporter of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games, PyeongChang WINNERS. Some contents might be different from official position of the Organizing Committee."

"기사는 제3기 대학생 기자단 평창WINNERS 활동 일환으로 작성되었으며, 조직위원회 공식 입장과는 무관합니다."