Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Now On My Way to Meet You(이제만나러갑니다)

We had heard various stories about the North Korean refugees who had escaped the North

Korean, in order to pursue a better life in the South. But, how is it really like? Many of the people,

including people from the south, are curious about the life in one of the most secretive state in the

world, North Korea and the life of the refugees.

Source: https://goo.gl/wlYIcX

In 2001, South Korea Television “Now On My Way to Meet You”, the first talk show featuring North

Korea refugee, who had escaped to the south, had allowed people to listen to the account of the

According to the producer of the show, the aim of the show is to draw attention towards the life in

the North as how it is actually like is unknown to many. Moreover, it also aims to allow North and

South Koreans to stay connected. Though the Korean War had ended 60 years ago, most of the

South Koreans have little knowledge about life in the North. Hence, one of the North Korean

defectors hopes that through this program, it will reduce the prejudice and misunderstanding

These North Korean defectors are very brave to step forward and tell the audience about North

Korean. As defectors from the north often lie low in South Korean as they struggle to adapt to a

brand new society, which is extremely different from the North. Also, most are afraid that their

refugee’s escape and have a glimpse of how life in North Korea is like.

towards the North Korean. Also, family who is still in the North will be punished.

I personally had watched this show and had a deeper understanding of the differences between the

North and the South in terms of language, culture and more. Moreover, listening to the firsthand

account of defectors had increased the reliability and credibility of how life is actually like in the

North and the experiences of the defectors. It is definitely an eye opener and to be able to

understand why did they choose to come out and share their experience. Not because of money or

frame, but because of their wish towards unification and a harmonious relationship between North

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